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7 Polarity Rise, Silverdale
(09) 427 9997 Enrolment Form and Questionnaire 我们提供华语医生服务

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As of June 1st, 2024, Silverdale Medical Fee Increase Notification

As the gap between the government funding for primary care and the cost to deliver quality care continues to widen, we face no choice but increase the prices. These fees apply to services at Silverdale Medical, Weiti Creek Medical and Millwater Medical.

We know many of our patients face the cost of care as a barrier. At the same time, it is the responsibility of the government to properly fund public access to care and equitable access to care. Health care workers deserve to be paid fair wages, as they also face a crushing rise in the cost of living like everyone else.

Silverdale Medical is committed to delivering high quality primary care to the Hibiscus Coast. We invest a lot into teaching and supporting health care workers to be both clinically excellent and cost efficient.   

I’m often asked about certain charges on the fee schedule, and I thought I might take a moment to explain some of the fees.  All fees in a private health care service relate to the cost of professional time taken to serve and the level of investment in the clinical skills of the provider.  Similar to the services of lawyers, accountants, and architects. If it takes time – then it costs real money. The industry is highly regulated though, and so are the fees enrolled patients pay.

Referral Fees: Often a referral is administratively handled by the GP on several instances in a health system without capacity to accept the referrals.  As well with each referral sent, there are reports returned to the GP that must be read, filed and at times acted upon.       The referral fee is not to compensate for the time taken within the GP consult, but rather for time to administratively manage the whole referral process.

Extended Consultation Fees: Standard general practice consultations are for 15 minutes of physician time.  This standard consultation includes the time to listen to the patient, examine and write up the consultation notes.   When patients have a single concern, this is reasonable and manageable.  However, in some cases such as complex mental health, chronic disease, or multiple problems the standard consultation is not sufficient.  If the consult exceeds the allocated consultation time an extended consultation fee will be charged. Patients are advised to book an extended consultation if they need additional time.   For enrolled patients with complex chronic disease conditions some funding assistance may pay a portion of the extended consultation.

Nurse Brief Advice: If patients are wondering if they should book a GP visit, attend Urgent Care or the hospital they are advised to call Healthline 0800 611 116 for free. If patients call the practice and ask for personalised advice from a nurse they will be charged a brief RN advice fee.
Nurse Treatments Post GP Visit: Injections (B12, Depo), Cryotherapy, Iron infusions, Dressing Changes have additional charges on top of the GP consultation.

New Enrolment Fee:  A fee is charged for each patient enrolling covering management of the administrative requirements. In the first 30 days following enrolment, the patient should take advantage of a complimentary Nurse appointment where they will take a detailed history and ensure an understanding of preventative care measures that are due and better understand the services of the practice. It is recommended to book this 10 days after confirmation of enrolment to ensure we have your records transferred from your previous practice. All enrolled patients are advised to get the myIndici App and portal access upon enrolling.

Did Not Attend Charges:  if you have an appointment that you do not notify in advance of the appointment (2hour notice), then you will be charged a Did Not Attend Fee. The fee applies even for visits that are normally free or charge, or of a lesser charge.  Care needed is subsidised by government, but failure to arrive for an appointment is not a funded service by government.

Bloods taken in Practice: It is convenient to avoid attending the lab service to have blood taken while in practice. But it is not government funded in practice.

Diabetes and Asthma Nurse Visits: Chronic Disease follow-up care provided by the nurse is partially funded, but a limited fee still applies. Failure to attend a visit will result in a full Did Not Attend charge.

Blood Pressure Check: Registered Nurse visit to quickly check blood pressure.

Skin Consults: Skin Consults provided by members of the New Zealand Skin Cancer Doctors are not standard general practice appointments and pay a premium fee for the advanced qualifications such doctors provide.


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